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Elvira ‚t Hart: Drawn clothes and wearable drawings

    Elvira ‚t Hart: Drawn clothes and wearable drawings

    08. April 2013 | Kunst & Fotografie, Mode & Schmuck

    Was auf den ersten Blick wie ein Wirrwarr schwarzer Filzstiftlinien wirkt, ist in Wirklichkeit Leder. Und zwar gelasert. Die niederländische Modedesignerin und Illustratorin Elvira ‚t Hart transformiert skizzenartige Zeichnungen von der zweiten in die dritte Dimension, indem sie die Linien vektorisiert und per Laser aus dem Leder ausschneiden lässt. „An image is reduced to lines, planes and areas which do not have to be fully formed or finished in order to portray ther ultimate meaning:it stimulates the imagination.“ so die Designerin.

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    Drawn clothes and wearable drawings by Elvira ‘t Hart

    Drawn clothes and wearable drawings by Elvira ‘t Hart

    Drawn clothes and wearable drawings by Elvira ‘t Hart

    Drawn clothes and wearable drawings by Elvira ‘t Hart

    Drawn clothes and wearable drawings by Elvira ‘t Hart

    Photo of jacket and scarf copyright protected by Satijn Panyigay.
    All other images copyright protected and courtesy of Elvira ‚t Hart.

    How Elvira ‚t Hart describes the project:

    „This project is about the research on how to translate something from 2D to 3D. Which includes how we look at things that are flat or spatial, how we misinterpret or subconsciously use our imagination to fill in the missing information.
    With my own drawings as inspiration my aim is to have the same look and feeling in my collection as a sketch. I find quick sketches to be the most interesting to look at: lines which end suddenly or parts that disappear. It leaves something to the imagination. Only essential information is given, you reduce something to only lines and surfaces of black and white. A drawing doesn’t have to be finished or complete to give the viewer an idea of what is depicted.
    The challenge in this project is to do the same with clothing; new shapes and suggestions of clothes. For example a shadow or inverse shape of a jacket gives the idea of a jacket. The same with a rough sketch of a jacket. If this works on paper, can I make it work in real-life? The end result is a collection of ideas how 2D and 3D material can relate to eachother.“

    Über die Autorin

    Sharokina Golpashin
    Sharokina Golpashin ist Mode- und Produktdesignerin und gründete Daily Impulse im Januar 2011 aus der Idee heraus, ihre Leidenschaft für Design und Kunst mit ihrer Freude am Schreiben zu kombinieren. Ab dem Relaunch von Daily Impulse im Sommer 2022 wird Sharokina hier auch immer wieder Designer und Künstler aus dem Raum Düsseldorf vorstellen und Einblicke hinter die Kulissen ihres eigenen Taschen- und Accessoirelabels SHAROKINA geben... [mehr erfahren]